With WinAir’s proven implementation methodology, aviation operations can transition to the software and bring their teams up to speed on all features and functions in an expedited manner
Aviation management software leader uses a staged process to guide businesses through successful product implementation. This includes discussions to optimize WinAir based upon best practices, a customized training and implementation plan, project support, optional aircraft services, check-ins to manage milestones, and access to online learning resources, and ongoing technical support
(A maintenance technician inspects an aircraft in a maintenance hangar—Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.com—modified)
With over 30 years of experience in the aviation maintenance industry, WinAir has developed an effective software implementation methodology with processes and procedures that act as a framework for a smooth migration to WinAir Version 7. This methodology instills confidence in teams at aviation operations, allowing them to go live with the software quickly and with minimal business disruptions. For a company that is considering a switch in maintenance and inventory control software, or one that is looking to jettison spreadsheets and manual processes, knowing that WinAir can improve the implementation timeline is a tremendous benefit, particularly for businesses dealing with daily operational inefficiencies.
WinAir’s implementation methodology follows a straightforward and logical approach that is customized to meet the unique needs of any aviation operation. No matter the location of your business, your aviation industry subset, or current local constraints or international considerations, WinAir can build an implementation plan that will ensure a simple transition to the software and your continued success with the product. We can also provide additional assistance by managing a variety of administrative and technical duties.
Concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, WinAir enforced a remote work policy to maintain its commitment to its clients from around the globe. As a result, we have been able to provide the same high level of daily technical support in a way that keeps our employees healthy and safe. Depending upon your operation’s requirements, as regions begin to open up, we can facilitate both onsite and fully remote software implementations. If there are no regulations prohibiting us from performing an onsite software implementation, then our team can do so safely, professionally, and efficiently by adhering to social distancing measures.
Discussions to Optimize WinAir Based on Best Practices:

(AMEs view a tablet in an aircraft maintenance hangar—Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.com—modified)
Every WinAir Version 7 software implementation begins with a series of initial conversations about processes and procedures. During these discussions, WinAir consultants work together with your team to review and assess all facets of your business. While there are similarities between aviation operations, each organization has unique requirements, which is why we invest the time into learning more about how you manage your business.
This process allows our team to identify any potential inefficiencies or areas for improvement. It also provides WinAir trainers with unique insight into your business processes, so that they can teach WinAir more effectively. Afterward, we make recommendations on how your aviation operation can optimize WinAir based on aviation industry best practices and the specifics of your business.
If your aviation operation requires further assistance with optimizing processes throughout all departments, then you can take advantage of our Process Consultation service. With this service, WinAir will complete an end-to-end assessment of your business, and provide you with a comprehensive audit report and change management strategy. This service offers your business invaluable information that will:
- assist with maintaining compliance,
- streamline and improve processes and workflow,
- identify and capture inefficiencies,
- boost productivity,
- and will help you to discover opportunities to reduce departmental costs and produce savings.
A Customized Training and Implementation Plan

(A DOM reviews information on a tablet next to multiple aircraft—Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.com—modified)
Once our team has developed a greater understanding of your business and discovered how to optimize WinAir to meet your unique needs, we will provide you with a customized training and implementation plan. This plan highlights our approach and includes comprehensive details on each stage of the implementation, along with important dates, information on training sessions, and requirements for preparation. These training sessions can be delivered online or onsite.
By creating a customized training and implementation plan based upon your business processes and procedures, our team can boost your software implementation timeline. Our training model offers various methods and tools to maximize your team’s understanding of the functionality in WinAir. We incorporate theoretical, practical, and go-live assistance into this training program to ensure a seamless implementation and sustained success with the product. As a result, you can go live with WinAir promptly and with thorough product knowledge.
WinAir Setup and Go-Live Stage Project Support

(An AME uses a tablet next to an aircraft—Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock.com—modified)
We are with you every step of the way from the WinAir setup to data loading, practical hand-on process training, and Go Live support. Our team will provide support and guidance during each stage of your software implementation. If additional help is required, then we are readily available to assist.
Our staged approach to configuring your setup of WinAir, which culminates in the Go-Live stage of the implementation, follows a logical sequence to learning. We employ a “see it, try it, apply it, and know it” approach, which begins with online demonstrations and e-learning courses. After that, a WinAir instructor leads your team through guided system exercises, which they can practice using step-by-step instructions in a WinAir sandbox environment. Once they feel confident in their ability to use WinAir, then our team can assist them in applying their knowledge during the Go-Live stage.
Staged Implementation with Check-ins to Manage Milestones

(A diagram illustrating WinAir’s staged software implementation process – © WinAir)
Each WinAir implementation follows an established series of stages designed to assist your team with a simple transition to the software. WinAir’s implementation model includes a formal kick-off meeting that outlines milestones, timelines, and key stakeholder roles and responsibilities. We also provide your businesses with a milestone check-sheet to offer a high-level overview of implementation milestones. This process provides project transparency and ensures that you are well supported by the Implementations team. This is followed by regular check-in calls and interactions in WinAir’s online support portal.
The first stage of the implementation begins with the software setup and WinAir fundamentals training. This stage lays the framework for the implementation by bringing your aviation operation up to speed on general software navigation and how various sections of the system are connected.
The second stage involves thorough software training and hands-on learning exercises in a sandbox environment, focusing on handling inventory, maintenance programs, records, planning, and production. During this stage, your team becomes familiar with completing your daily operational processes within WinAir with the support of WinAir trainers. At this time, additional training in other program areas is provided, such as invoicing, reliability, and dashboards, if you have selected any of these items for your WinAir configuration. When this stage is complete, your team will have amassed significant product knowledge and will be confident in their ability to maneuver throughout the software.
The third stage is where your business will go-live with the software with the support of the WinAir team to guide them through the process. At the end of this stage, your team will begin to apply their newfound knowledge to their daily operations within WinAir. They recevie support through WinAir’s online support portal, where they can ask technical questions and receive responses to their queries in a timely manner.
The fourth and final stage of the software implementation takes place when your aviation operation is completely live with the product. During this stage, WinAir provides your team with access to telephone and online technical support. They still has access to self-directed learning tools, including online learning resources that feature videos and software-focused learning activities, embedded software help guides, and other knowledgebase documentation. These support mechanisms offer you the assurance that you will be able to reach your business goals with the product.

(A technical support agent provides assistance to a client—Dragon Images/Shutterstock.com—modified)
In addition to providing extensive technical support and learning content, WinAir pairs up your business with a dedicated client advocate, who acts as your aviation operation’s voice at WinAir. They are your liaison and can offer assistance with a variety of tasks, such as convening with technical support, recommending new software features and functions to the product development team based on your business needs, providing you with documentation, or directing you to a solution.
To further assist your business and other WinAir clients from around the globe, WinAir also facilitates its WinAir User Summit in North America and Australia. In addition to supporting clients, these user conferences help WinAir gather client feedback to determine the future direction of the software. They also play a profound role in setting the stage for future WinAir innovations.
Optional Aircraft Services

(A helicopter in mid-flight—lassedesignen/Shutterstock.com—modified)
If your aviation operation is looking to save time and get a head start on implementing WinAir, then have our Aircraft Services team handle the data migration and aircraft template building. Our team has the industry expertise to shift your software implementation into high gear by completing aircraft compliance data loading and inventory data import on your behalf. As a result, we can expedite go-live processes and ensure that your information is imported into WinAir accurately by managing all error checking, validation, and data audits.
This team also has the skills and first-hand experience to translate manufacturer maintenance requirements into accurate electronic templates within WinAir. No matter the aircraft type, whether fixed-wing or rotary-wing or the complexity of the aircraft, we can build your aircraft maintenance schedule templates swiftly and with precision. This template service will assist your aviation operation tremendously with managing your maintenance programs, and it will continue to provide a return on investment. With a maintenance schedule template, you can handle aircraft variances for aircraft of the same type or similar aircraft from within a series with ease by selecting the applicability capability to determine which task or check applies to which aircraft or component.
WinAir also offers a variety of other services that businesses can take advantage of based on their particular operational needs. WinAir provides a selection of hosting options for aviation operations that are looking to save time on technical upkeep, while simultaneously ensuring that their data is secure and always accessible. We also offer integration services to connect accounting software and a flight ops system with WinAir.
Trusted, Proven, and Effective Aviation Management Software

(Employees view WinAir Dashboards on dual computer monitors—GorodenkoffShutterstock.com—modified—software images © WinAir)
With software packages for Operators, Heliops, MROs, and CAMOs, WinAir is the aviation industry’s most trusted, proven, and effective aviation management software focused on compliance, reliability, and data accuracy. Its team of aviation industry professionals has the skills and experience to navigate your business through a straightforward software onboarding process using WinAir’s proven implementation methodology. They are ready to help support and guide your business through all aspects of the product implementation and are focused on your ongoing success with the software.
Start your journey with WinAir by requesting an online product demonstration with a WinAir solutions consultant. They will begin with an initial discussion to learn more about your business requirements. Afterward, they develop a software demonstration catered to your specific needs, so that you can see firsthand exactly how your aviation operation can streamline processes, expedite work steps, and maintain compliance with WinAir.
Want to have a closer look at WinAir? Book a demo today!

(WinAir’s Dashboards displayed on desktop computer and Template Tree View displayed on tablet – © WinAir)
About WinAir:
Based in London, Ontario, Canada, WinAir has 30 years of experience as a leader in aviation management software. Companies rely on WinAir to efficiently and effectively track and manage aircraft maintenance and inventory control. WinAir is proud to lay claim to hundreds of installations at aviation-specific organizations worldwide. From airlines to heli-ops, law enforcement agencies, oil industry suppliers, MROs, CAMOs, medical evacuation response teams and more, businesses using WinAir regard the solution as a necessary component to the successful management of their fleet maintenance programs.